Find WA Government APIs

Helping you find and use WA Government APIs.
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An API (Application Programming Interface) is a piece of software that sits between two or more applications and allows them to talk to each other. 

This site lists public APIs owned and/or managed by WA Government agencies. The intended audience is any non-government or government software developers and architects that need the APIs to access publicly shared WA Government data to be used by their applications.

The WA Government supports and recommends the National API Design Standards (NAPIDS). The NAPIDS enables developers building APIs to move past common decision points quickly by referencing pre-agreed, best practice design patterns. 

These common design standards simplify the process for both consumers and developers of APIs, accelerating API uptake and use. The NAPIDS is located on the Australian Government API website, which also provides information on Recommended Data Definitions and guidance on how to use APIs. 

If you have any feedback regarding NAPIDS please contact us using enquiry form.